If you’re having a hard time finding the right type of birth control in Los Angeles, California, Joseph Roofeh, MD, in the Century City neighborhood of LA, can help. Dr. Roofeh focuses on your unique health and educates you about your birth control options so you can make the most informed decision. No single form of birth control works for all and consulting with a skilled OB/GYN can help you find the method that’s best for you. Call the office at 310-552-1700 or book a birth control consultation online today.
Birth control pills give women control over family planning in Los Angeles. The main options include medications and devices you get from the doctor, as well as over-the-counter (OTC) products available at your local pharmacy.
Birth control, also referred to as contraception, is legal in Los Angeles. With various methods to prevent pregnancy available, it’s ultimately a matter of speaking with a professional to determine the best option for you.
Dr. Roofeh is an experienced OB/GYN specializing in birth control for women. He can talk with you about the types of birth control and help you make the most informed choice.
You have many options when it comes to birth control in Los Angeles. Birth control options available at Dr. Roofeh’s office include:
Birth control pills are a widely used method of contraception that contains hormones to prevent pregnancy. They work by stopping ovulation, thinning the uterine lining, and thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching an egg.
We recommend birth control pills for their effectiveness and the added benefits they offer, such as more regular, lighter periods, and relief from menstrual cramps. They can also improve acne and protect against certain types of cancers.
Pills require daily intake, making them a good option for those who can maintain a consistent daily routine. They offer the flexibility to stop anytime if you decide to try for pregnancy or wish to switch methods.
The Depo Shot, or Depo-Provera, is a hormonal birth control shot given every three months to prevent pregnancy. It works by suppressing ovulation and thickening cervical mucus.
We recommend the Depo Shot for women seeking a convenient, long-acting method without the daily attention required by pills. It’s highly effective and can reduce menstrual cramps and bleeding in some women.
However, it may take a while for fertility to return after stopping the shots, so it’s ideal for those not planning to become pregnant soon. It also can help in reducing the symptoms of endometriosis.
NuvaRing is a small, flexible vaginal ring that releases hormones to prevent pregnancy. Inserted by the user, it stays in place for three weeks, then is removed for a week to allow for a menstrual period.
The NuvaRing works by releasing a low dose of hormones, similar to birth control pills, but directly into the reproductive system. We recommend it for those who prefer not to take a daily pill but still want the benefits of hormonal contraception. It’s discreet, convenient, and allows the user to control their contraception with monthly rather than daily attention.
The Annovera Ring is a newer, reusable vaginal contraceptive ring used for a full year (13 cycles). Like the NuvaRing, it releases hormones to prevent pregnancy but does not require monthly replacement. After three weeks of use, it’s removed for a week and then reinserted.
We recommend the Annovera Ring for its convenience and eco-friendliness, reducing waste associated with monthly disposables. It’s an excellent option for those looking for a long-term, but not permanent, birth control method that offers the simplicity and benefits of a vaginal ring.
The birth control patch is a thin, beige patch that sticks to the skin and releases hormones to prevent pregnancy. It’s applied once a week for three weeks, with the fourth week patch-free.
We recommend the patch for its simplicity and effectiveness; it’s especially ideal for those who may forget to take daily pills but can remember a weekly routine. The patch allows the flexibility of external use with steady hormone delivery, making it a convenient choice for active or busy lifestyles.
Nexplanon is a small, rod-shaped implant that’s placed under the skin of the upper arm by a healthcare professional. It releases hormones to prevent pregnancy for up to three years.
We recommend Nexplanon for its long-term protection, making it a set-and-forget option for those seeking hassle-free contraception. It’s nearly invisible and requires no daily, weekly, or monthly maintenance. While it’s a more permanent option, it can be removed at any time should you decide to switch methods or attempt pregnancy.
The Hormonal Intrauterine Device (IUD) is a small, T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy, releasing hormones locally within the uterus. It can last for 3-6 years, depending on the type.
We recommend the hormonal IUD for its long-lasting, reversible contraception and minimal maintenance. It’s highly effective and can make periods lighter and less painful, which is beneficial for those with heavy or uncomfortable menstrual cycles.
The Non-hormonal IUD, often made of copper, works without hormones to prevent pregnancy. The copper acts as a spermicide, preventing sperm from fertilizing an egg. It can last up to 10 years and is an excellent option for those seeking long-term contraception without the effects of hormones.
We recommend the non-hormonal IUD for its effectiveness, longevity, and the option it provides for those sensitive to hormones or who prefer a natural method.
Phexxi is a non-hormonal contraceptive gel that’s applied vaginally immediately before intercourse. It works by maintaining the vaginal pH level to inhibit sperm mobility.
We recommend Phexxi for those seeking a hormone-free, on-demand method of contraception. It’s easy to use and can be a good option for women who prefer to avoid daily or long-term contraceptive methods. However, it requires application before each act of intercourse, making it less convenient than some other methods for spontaneous or frequent sexual activity.
Each option provides different benefits and may be more suitable for certain lifestyles, health conditions, or personal preferences. Dr. Roofeh’s clinic is committed to offering personalized, compassionate care to help each woman find the birth control method that best fits her life and needs.
The details of your birth control consultation with Dr. Roofeh depend on your family planning goals and health needs. Dr. Roofeh spends time talking with you, asking questions about your current and future pregnancy plans, sexual history, and gynecology-related concerns.
Though not necessary for a birth control consultation, Dr. Roofeh may perform a physical and pelvic exam to confirm or rule out a gynecological condition.
He then talks with you about the different types of birth control, the pros and cons of each, and how they work. Then, together, you decide what method makes the right choice for you.
Dr. Roofeh provides a prescription or schedules a follow-up appointment to implant a device or perform a procedure.
With the help of a skilled OB/GYN, you can feel confident in your birth control method. Dr. Roofeh places your health first and provides the resources you need to make an informed decision. Call the office of Joseph Roofeh, MD, or book online today.
In California, the use of birth control is entirely legal and accessible to everyone. Your privacy is protected, meaning your use of contraception can remain confidential. Moreover, it’s important to know that no individual can be compelled to use birth control against their wishes. For those engaging in sexual activity and wishing to avoid pregnancy, a variety of options are available to suit different preferences and needs.
The cost of birth control can significantly differ based on your health insurance status or eligibility for Medicaid and other governmental assistance programs that may cover contraception expenses. Generally, a month’s supply, which is contained in one pill pack for most brands, can range in price from free to $50 if paying out of pocket.
In California and 17 other states, pharmacists have the authority to prescribe forms of hormonal birth control that individuals can administer themselves, such as pills, patches, rings, and shots. However, for comprehensive guidance and personalized advice on birth control options, it’s advisable to consult with a professional OB-GYN.
Phone (appointments): 310-552-1700
Address: 9735 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 309, Beverly Hills CA 90212
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