Reasons to See a Gynecologist

Wondering what reasons you might need to see a gynecologist in Los Angeles? You’ve come to the right place!

Gynecologists specialize in the female reproductive system. We’re responsible for addressing a wide range of concerns from reproductive health to general wellness issues that affect the reproductive organs. Whether it’s for routine care or addressing specific health concerns, understanding the reasons to see a gynecologist can help women make informed decisions about their health care.

In this post, we’re outlining some of the reasons to see a gynecologist. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of the wide range of health issues and concerns that gynecologists can address, helping you maintain your reproductive health and overall well-being.

From routine screenings and preventive care to the management of specific conditions, keep reading to learn more about when to consult a gynecologist for proactive health management.

Need a gynecologist in Century City? Contact Dr. Joseph Roofeh’s office to schedule an appointment today.

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

One of the primary reasons to visit a gynecologist is for STI screening and treatment. If you’re sexually active, regular screenings can help detect infections early, often before they show any symptoms.

Early detection is crucial for treatment and preventing long-term health issues. A gynecologist can also provide advice on protecting against STIs and manage any symptoms or concerns you may have.

Birth Control

Considering starting birth control for the first time? Or perhaps you’re looking to change your current method. You may also have questions about side effects. For anything related to birth control, visiting a gynecologist offers comprehensive guidance.

As your OBGYN, we’re ready to discuss the various options available, including pills, patches, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and more. We’re here to help you choose the method that best suits your health and lifestyle needs.


Menstrual issues are a common reason for gynecological visits. These issues can range from irregular or missed periods to extremely heavy or painful menstrual cycles.

We can help identify the causes of such issues, which may include hormonal imbalances, underlying health conditions, or lifestyle factors. Understanding and treating menstrual problems is vital for a woman’s reproductive health and overall quality of life.


Pregnancy involves complex physiological changes, and prenatal care ensures the health of both the mother and the developing fetus. A gynecologist or obstetrician should specialize in pregnancy care, offering guidance, support, and medical monitoring throughout the pregnancy journey.

Pap smear

A Pap smear is a test we use to detect cervical cancer and its precursors. It involves collecting cells from the cervix to look for abnormalities that could indicate the presence of cancer or pre-cancerous conditions.

We recommend that women start getting Pap smears at the age of 21 and continue at intervals based on their age and health history. This screening is a preventative measure that can save lives by catching cervical cancer in its early stages when it’s most treatable.


Couples facing difficulties conceiving often turn to gynecologists for help. Infertility can result from various factors affecting either or both partners.

We can conduct a series of tests to determine the underlying causes of infertility and discuss treatment options. Treatments can range from medication to assist with ovulation to more advanced reproductive technologies.

Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is a normal part of a woman’s reproductive cycle. However, changes in the color, consistency, smell, or amount can indicate an infection or other health issue.

Visiting a gynecologist can help determine the cause of abnormal discharge, which may include yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or sexually transmitted infections. Treatment is often straightforward but necessary to avoid complications.

Irregular Menstruation

Irregular menstruation, including cycles that are too long, too short, unpredictable, or absent, can be a sign of various health issues, from stress and lifestyle factors to hormonal imbalances and more serious conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). As your gynecological care provider, we can assess and treat irregular menstrual cycles, helping to restore regularity and address any underlying conditions.

Love this post? Make sure to give our other article about what’s included in an annual gynecological exam a quick read before you go!

Other Reasons to See a Gyno

  • Painful Intercourse: We can diagnose and treat painful intercourse, which may have physical or psychological causes, to improve your quality of life.
  • Pelvic Exam: This routine procedure checks the health of the female reproductive organs and can detect potential issues early, such as ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids.
  • Pelvic Pain: This can be a sign of a broad spectrum of issues, from menstrual cramps and endometriosis to ovarian cysts and urinary tract infections.
  • Urinary Issues: Symptoms like frequent urination, pain during urination, or urinary incontinence can often be related to gynecological health and require a professional evaluation.
  • Breast Exam: Regular breast exams are crucial for detecting abnormalities like lumps, which could be indicative of breast cancer or benign breast conditions.
  • Abnormal Periods: Excessively heavy, light, or irregular periods can signal underlying health issues that a gynecologist can diagnose and treat.
  • Breast Problems: Any changes or discomfort in the breasts should prompt a visit to rule out infections, cysts, or cancer.
  • Endometriosis: Characterized by tissue similar to the lining of the uterus growing outside it, causing pain and potentially affecting fertility, endometriosis is a condition that we can help manage.
  • Urinary Incontinence: Loss of bladder control can be embarrassing and inconvenient but is often treatable with medical intervention. We can determine the reason and appropriate treatment going forward.
  • Menopause: Transitioning into menopause brings various symptoms that we can help manage, from hot flashes to vaginal dryness.
  • Painful Periods: Severe menstrual cramps that affect daily activities can be addressed. We can determine an effective treatment to alleviate the pain.
  • Contraception: We’re here to provide information and prescriptions for contraception, tailoring choices to suit your individual health profile and needs.
  • Cramps: While often a normal part of menstruation, severe cramps can sometimes indicate more serious conditions that we can investigate.
  • Blood in Urine: This symptom should prompt an immediate consultation with a gynecologist, as it can indicate urinary tract infections, stones, or more serious conditions.
  • Cervix: Regular check-ups including cervical screenings can detect changes in cervical cells that may lead to cancer if untreated.

General Gynaecology: For any concerns related to the female reproductive system, consider us your specialist to consult for advice, diagnosis, and treatment.